ars semantica

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AE archive is a dialect / hybrid archive.
AE archive is a non-curated database reflects 42 years of history of media art history with projects connecting Art – Science and Technology and innovation.
AE archive is composed of what Scientists, Technologists and Artists deal and negotiate symbolically in technoscientific culture.

Ars Electronica archive.

AE archive is highly diverse and it pictures the uses of technologies and their political issues along the time.

AE archive exhibits tendencies that can be compared along time. Rather than a single topic in archive history, its value is the whole overview body.

We can draw a storyline in archive about how categories in Electronic Arts and Society changes along the time.

Deeper into the archive, it shows what kind of storylines the artists are using to describe certain aspects of the society trends.

AE archive allows to follow the way the ideas were implemented into the industries and technology as well as in society along the times.
We can analyze images, video, sound and audio footages; looking for what kind of aesthetic language were used and how they changed?.

Whatever activists, scientists, artists and so on, need to think about how to transform their languages to a more general one in order to communicate it, and that is why the language needs to transform.

Disciplines and Territories.
Disciplines and their contexts are conceived as separated territories with their own wrold view historically.


Hybrid processes.
Nevertheless, in many other cases, there exists cultural processes among different scenarios.

Transdisciplinary processes.
Transdisciplinary cultures allow approach to complex problems where specific fields have clear limitations.
They can be thought of transposition of boundaries entailing inclusive social network.

traspassing boundaries
Culture / Knowledge can be developed in the border / or trespassing boundaries.
One possible travel of multiple one trough different territories.

Traffic of topics / appropiation of terms/.
A term is located in a certain semantic space, it means something in a context.
Poetic expansion (Bifo).

Millions of texts generated in science, art, technology
What are they talking about along time?

What are relevant explanations around what matters?
Are they interconnected in some way?; how?
Who could read them at all?
What if a mathematical mind reads all of them and tell us about?

Algorithms read Art – Science - Technology archives item by item and year by year.
Looking for the emergence of significant terms in clusters.

Time evolution of terms.
Used concepts and topics in electronic art speech appear, evolve and fade along the time.
This evolution in time can be compared to those relevant topics in Art theory, Science and Technology textual corpuses.

Tracing the cultural evolution of concepts in digitized archives.
LSA - Latent Semantic Analysis is a high dimensional associative model that captures semantic similarity between words.
It allows to study the evolution of semantically associated concepts along time in different Art, Science and Technology archives of textual corpuses,
How novelties are appropriated in time and how they are semantically associated, and thus, re-signified in different contexts.

t-SNE algorithms // t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding
Visualization of semantic associations and distances between topics.
Terms are projected into a space where semantic “meaning” is compared.
Concepts are connected in between each archive / textual corpus.